“If I am like this for two weeks a month, is that who I am?” This particular sentence immediately captured my attention. I was browsing through a Google search for severe premenstrual syndrome and had just come across a condition called PMDD (Premenstrual-Dysphoric-Disorder). I immediately recognised myself in most of the descriptions of symptoms, in the little information I could find and in the words of other women going through a similar struggle. As I began making sense of what I have been going through, I felt compelled to create a body of work that would capture the fragility of these moments in a way that is also beautiful and poetic, to show that vulnerability can also be a strength, other than a cause of embarrassment and distress. Through a series of self-portraits, conceptual still lifes and drawing directly on my personal experience. This series explores how hormonal shifts can affect women’s mental and physical health.