
Elizabeth Lynch
July 14, 2023
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Perhaps as a means of escape, much of my artwork tends to be dark, quiet, and strange - qualities that are antithetical to the bright, messy, and monotonous life I lead as a suburban mother. I make images with what is most readily available to me: my wooded yard, my two young daughters, and sometimes their pets. Solitude and surrealism are frequent themes - the former because I crave it and the latter because I appreciate the unconventional.

Elizabeth Lynch is a lens-based artist and photographer. A lifelong interest in drawing and painting, her study of art history, and a professional background in psychology led to portraiture. Her portraits, mostly of women and children, have won industry awards, and she has just begun showing her work at various galleries. Her personal projects aim to show a lyrical connection between the natural world and humans.
Elizabeth Lynch
July 14, 2023