Where am I from?

Debora De Canio
August 27, 2021
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My photographic practice is mainly grounded in experimental photography, consisting of the manipulation of photographic supports combined with different materials. My approach to image creation is very artisanal. It includes handmade tools such as pinhole cameras to installations, coating objects with liquid emulsion, cyanotype, Van Dyke printing process, and experimental monotype prints. I am combining the light projection of analogic-digital negative to make photography and photograms unique pieces of art that question the traditional contemplation of photography. Focusing on the environmental and ecological issues, I decide to act consciously, investigating and experimenting the alternative sustainable darkroom practices. Exploring the powerful properties of nature that are as always satisfying us, try to be self-preserving. As nature is always powerful in preserving itself along the same line, I aim to adopt a sustainable practice.

Debora De Canio (1995) was born in Italy. She grew up in Potenza, Basilicata. In 2016 she started to study photography at Scuola romana di fotografia e cinema in Rome. In 2019 she hadw been invited for the first edition of Cluster photography & print at the Ugly Duck, London, where she showed the book and a selection of images from the project The man that got away. 2021 she is selected for the Mikros call of Door Factory, a photography school owned by Massimo Matrorillo, based in Rome. With the project Where am I from? she was recently selected for the Argos show that will take place in Espai de Fotografia Francesc Català-Roca in the context of the Experimental Photo Festival in Barcelona from the 20th July till the 30th September 2021.
Debora De Canio
August 27, 2021