Travel is an important part of my life. I love to discover new places but also go back to the places I've fallen in love with. When I travel, I don't like to follow the travel guides, I love walking around new areas, and most of the time, I'm lucky to find beautiful places off the beaten track. When I started this personal project a couple of years ago, I wanted to show the spots I've visited from the inside rather than the outside. In the beginning, I was taking these self-portraits just for myself and from time to time. The first photo was taken in a hotel room in Yokohama, Japan, at 4:30 AM. While I was jet lagged and couldn't sleep, I noticed a beautiful sunrise and started this photo series. Most of the time, I travel alone, so this project was an excellent way to keep me busy and entertained when I was in a hotel room. This project took a new dimension with the Coronavirus pandemic. For many months people were in lockdown, and travel was almost impossible. I had a difficult time not being able to travel since travelling is a very important part of my life.