The Dream travels through Time like a floating sailing ship

Adela Gomez
September 13, 2023
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I try to create images in the same way memories and dreams are created. Memories are recollections of past events, but they are not perfect or accurate and can be affected by many factors. Dreams are believed to be by-products of memories. In the same way, a photograph made with a camera is exposed to a ‘real event’, but it is the personal interpretation of that event that interests me.
The title of this ongoing series, “The Dream travels through Time like a floating sailing ship”, appears in a poem included in Federico García Lorca’s play “When Five Years Pass”, also known as “The Legend of Time”. These verses perfectly describe both the images and the experience of making them, as well as the play being a source of inspiration for my work.
The photographs in this series are taken minutes after being disturbed from my sleep by the winter solstice’s first morning light. The strong beam of light travels fast through the interior, transforming the space into a surreal stage until it disappears just a few minutes after leaving one with a sense of having just awoken from a dream.
I use analogue processes as I want the process itself to give the images their visual qualities. For this series, I used a Polaroid sx-70 for its aesthetics and the way the image is produced. The latent image is only revealed minutes later, after the dream is over, becoming themselves the memories of the dream.

Originally from Spain, Adela Gomez is based in Dublin, Ireland, where she moved after graduating in architecture from the University of Granada, Spain, in 2012. She has been experimenting with analogue photographic processes for more than a decade, with some of her images being included in publications such as “Polaroid: The Missing Manual” by Rhiannon Adam. Adela cofounded Ambacht in 2020 as an architecture and visual arts practice and has recently been awarded the bursary award by the Irish Arts Council.
Adela Gomez
September 13, 2023