Orange Dyads

Kylo-Patrick Hart
January 22, 2023
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As a photographer, my primary motivation is to discover and capture the beauty, even when it is not always readily self-evident, that surrounds us continuously in all areas of our everyday lives. Much of my most recent creative output has involved dyadic (i.e. conceptually paired) images, featuring similar predominant colors, that are either polar opposites or creative extensions of one another. The current series is of the latter variety. It represents the creative potentialities of the human mind’s eye — the powerful ways that individuals continuously utilize their imaginations to re-envision everyday realities in more appealing ways — with each chronological pair of images invoking empowering realms of fantasy and desire. As such, the first image of each dyadic pairing presents a vision of contemporary reality and the second features an aesthetically enhanced reimagining of its more desirous potentialities. The predominant color in this series is orange, which as an artist, I have found to be particularly inspiring.

Kylo-Patrick Hart is chair of the Department of Film, Television and Digital Media at Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, Texas, USA), where he teaches courses in film and television history, theory, criticism and aesthetic appreciation. He received his formal training in digital media arts while a student at the University of Michigan and Wayne State University, with additional instruction provided by offerings of the Maine Media Workshops and Santa Fe Workshops. In 2022, he began devoting time to his creative activity on a daily basis and sharing his artistry with others. To date, his photographs have been exhibited in various galleries throughout the United States as well as in Greece, Italy, Scotland, and Spain.
Kylo-Patrick Hart
January 22, 2023