My present in my past

Serena Leone
April 23, 2023
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During my academic career, photography has conquered me. On the occasion of my theses, I deepened into history and photographic techniques. During the second thesis, I anthropologically deepened the history of my city, discovering stories and legends while remaining enchanted by ancient photographic techniques. Immediately after we found ourselves in a pandemic, I took the opportunity to discover hidden corners, pay attention to many details that are usually daily crowded with tourists, and see the city in tranquillity. That was a very important period because I understood how much emotion every image conveyed to me. I will continue my experimentation. I have many projects to give life to with stories and portraits.

Serena Leone (Lecce, Italia, 1985) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Lecce. During her academic career, she fell in love with photography.
Serena Leone
April 23, 2023