Movement in the time of the pandemic

Victor Klaesson
August 30, 2021
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February 2020: One could argue that not all things that we experience can be photographed. How do I photograph reminiscing the recent past? Everyday life has slowly been poisoned by the pandemic, almost to the point where ordinary people express Stockholm syndrome symptoms towards Covid-19 due to being isolated for too long. My neighbourhood is empty and dull; in a parallel universe, it is still thriving and well. With this project, what I am trying to photograph is time itself. Eighteen months ago, the idea of photographing hundreds of people at this seemingly ordinary spot at different times and then spending countless hours putting them together in a collage would seem utterly pointless. There is a lot of talk about the "new normal"; this is my attempt in showing just how much I miss the old normal.

I'm a photographer from Göteborg, Sweden. This project was conceived in February 2020. My personal belief is that for us to be able to move forward with our lives and also make the most of it, we need to understand that time is passing us by. Photographic evidence of time passed is essential because it offers us perspective and the possibility to sort memories into tangible boxes. Without the momentum offered through pondering over old photographic images, we might risk finding ourselves lost. Merits (highlights): Exhibited, 'Isac & Evert' (2020-2021), Landings 2021 Open now. Exhibited, 'Our bed 32 meters above sea level', Artdoc Magazine - Inner World. January 2021. Falmouth (BA) Fotoskolan Kungälv Forsa, Foto projektår Published in Mauer, Issue 3 The Unknown (March, 2020).
Victor Klaesson
August 30, 2021