Inside My Mind

Kathy Servian
October 7, 2022
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Storytelling is an integral part of the fabric of human society and exists in every culture. My images draw on the visual narrative of myths and fairytales where the everyday and the fantastic reside side-by-side. Each image is real and believable because it is a photograph but is also impossible - and therein lies the dichotomy. As with the fairytales by which they are inspired, every image is ripe with symbolism and hidden messages. The viewer is invited to escape reality and immerse themselves in fantasy. The Inside My Mind series references the aesthetic of late 19th and early 20th century artists such as Arthur Rackham, Edward Dulac, and Warwick Goble, whose works are the cornerstone of the golden age of illustration. Each drawing is achingly beautiful, and yet there is also an underlying sense of darkness and danger.

Kathy is a fine art and creative portrait photographer, writer, and costumier based in Auckland, New Zealand. Through the mediums of photography and photo manipulation, she creates surreal visual stories with her own quirky point of view. Kathy trained in fashion design and technology in her twenties and spent the intervening thirty plus years working in the apparel and applied arts industries creating everything from garments, to jewellery, to novels, and more recently photographs and photo composites. She also teaches sewing and pattern making, jewellery making, and creative writing.
Kathy Servian
October 7, 2022