Evening Sun

Kate Kutsevol
October 22, 2022
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I chose medium photography as the frankest & honest way of knowing my inner world and a way of observing the outside world and recording its changes. In my works, I reflect on the thirst for love, loneliness, openness to myself, and emotional connection with the objects around me in everyday life. My desire is to provoke the viewer into a dialogue with herself, with they memory, experiences and emotions, in some cases even to try to escape from reality. The composition of my photographs strives for minimalism with laconic details, symbolic accents and original colour combinations, sometimes leaning towards surrealism. I am inspired by such authors as Kenne Gregoire, Richard Avedon, Kristin Vestgard, Sara Moon, Alex Prager, Alex Russell, and Max Ernst. My photographs have appeared at the Duncan Miller Gallery, Online Gallery Street photography. Ukraine, Ukrainian On-Line Photo Gallery, Portal 11 Gallery (Ukraine), NuArt Gallery (Ukraine) my portfolio on Vogue Italia. I am a Member of the National Union of Photographic Artists of Ukraine.

Kate Kutsevol is a visual artist based in Kyiv (b. 1976). Since she first picked up the camera, she realized that contemporary photography is not about a quality camera, not about shutter speed or aperture, not about expensive lenses… Not even about a gold section or gold hours… For her, photography is understanding, experience, and discovery. It is the reflection of the Universe in photographs and the revelation of oneself not only to the whole world but to oneself. New people in his life, new feelings, support and help. This is constant learning but not about the sharpness of the picture or the blurring of the background. About immersion in herself, about dreams, about hopes, about plans, about achievements. Acceptance, loss…. She is discovering a small part of this Universe here. ​ She works with still life and loves the result of this work. But she is also fascinated by the picture she can create with the person in the lead role.
Kate Kutsevol
October 22, 2022