These images represent a range of photographic outcomes taken within the last year; they explore double exposures using analogue cameras and a variety of different film types, often very low ISO film. I am using a camera and the ability of film to create unexpected and largely (but not totally) unpredictable outcomes to make images with layers. For me, theslippage; that double exposures create allows me to make painterly outcomes. I am interested in a minimal and maximal aesthetic with both clear and obscured shapes and detail. I want to create some disturbance. I mainly use objects within reach. The film brings unique and specific qualities to each image. Blur and sharpness contribute to what can appear as unreal, over-saturated images hinting at something hallucinatory and expressive.
My studio practice and home are in Bexhill, East Sussex. I also teach Art & Design in London, UK. Over the last few years, sculptural work has been my main focus that has developed from an expanded painting practice - I have only recently begun to explore analogue photography, which in some ways is increasingly replacing an earlier painting practice, where a familiar aesthetic is apparent. I see my photographs as a replacement to paintings that balanced elements of pattern and harmony with disruption and abject mark-making. Since graduating from Slade school in 2003, I have exhibited my work and curated exhibitions working alongside other artists and developed artist studio spaces, Art Studio 18. Alongside my sculptural work, I am figuring out how and what part photography may play in my practice.