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R. Scott MacLeay
April 18, 2023
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I document situations that I create. They are impressions of my thoughts and feelings about near and distant worlds. They are elements that I set aside while I create others until I have enough to begin making final images and constructing the series that frame them. I am, therefore, a gatherer. Some gathering is random; some is meticulously planned. I assemble these diverse elements and interfere with what I have created until I sense a strong emotional understanding of them as individual and societal situations. My goal is always the creation of a coherent universe enriched by the ambiguity and doubt that inevitably leads to misunderstandings and errors of judgement in life. While I start with a fairly clear idea of my destination, the details concerning the specific route to take are rarely evident at the outset. That is the role of interference, both internally and externally generated. It obliges me to seek new paths, altering my perspective and enlightening my perception with new interrogations. The original idea and the route interact and evolve, stimulated by the interference that helps define both my life and my creative process.

Scott MacLeay began his career in Vancouver, specializing in fashion photography and editorial portraiture. In 1979, he moved to Paris to dedicate himself fulltime to his exhibition work. He has exhibited widely in galleries and museums in the Americas, Europe and Japan, where his images are present in private and museum collections. His unique colour palette and minimalist bi-dimensional approach to the medium earned him a reputation as one of the most innovative photographers of his generation. In the 1980s, he was named Director of the Center for Media Art and Photography of the avant-garde American Center in Paris, devoting himself to producing audiovisual projects and developing cutting-edge pedagogical programs. He is the author of the book of essays Pensar, Sentir, Ver: Percepção e Processo em Fotografia (2015 Editora Photos), the photobooks Quadrichromie 1978-1988 (2018 Creative Process) and Encounters in the Right and Left Hemispheres (2020 Creative Process).
R. Scott MacLeay
April 18, 2023