Between two worlds

Lara Gilks
September 5, 2022
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The series Between two worlds explores themes of metamorphism, transformation, ascension. The works suggest a transformation from one state to another – a passing to another world. They draw on Greek mythological (half-human, half-bird) themes such as Siren (the divine voice) and Harpe (the wind spirit). The subjects are both powerful and peaceful, accepting of their impending passage. It is a part of an ongoing project looking at the boundaries of life and death, beauty and tragedy and passing to a new state. In our next lives, we’ll remember Not to be human. We will be a pair of wild geese flying high into the sky. And from that distance, we will look down on the world’s blinding snows, its oceans, waters, hills, clouds, and red dust, as if we had never fallen.

Lara Gilks is a photographer from Wellington, New Zealand. She came to photography about fifteen years ago when she was given her first camera. Lara has received multiple awards for her work, including a finalist at the Lucie Foundation Portrait Awards 2021, first place in the Nude and Figure category at the Julia Margaret Cameron Awards 2021 and 2020 and winner of Australasia’s Top Emerging Portrait Photographer for 2018. Gilks’work has been exhibited widely since 2015. In 2021 she has exhibited in group shows in Barcelona, Spain, Budapest, Hungary, Rome, Italy, Texas and Minneapolis, USA and Dunedin.
Lara Gilks
September 5, 2022