
© Maria Jose Cuell

One more year and faithful to the appointment the Imaginary Spring Photography Festival organized by the Jaume I University through the Servei d’Activitats Socioculturals of the Vice-Rector of Culture arrives with all the force that images can transmit. On this occasion, 26 exhibition exhibitions have been organized that give an account of the diversity with which this medium is measured with reality, taking the pulse, covering a wide spectrum of themes and aspects both in documentary, patrimonial, artistic terms and creative.
Authors like Robert Capa, Gerda Taro, Paco Boix or Cesar de Lucas give us the testimony of what was a milestone in their lives for many people, the Spanish Civil War, the disaster that It was the Nazi regime in the concentration camps or the change of our society with the transition to democracy. Others like José Luis Carrillo, Vortex Photo, Paco Molto, Marti Albesa or Nacho Canos bring us closer to the eyes of the photojournalist and his work of critically telling reality. A reality that becomes a social complaint with Julia Galan.

Author photography also has a place with works such as David Salce-do, Gracia Barrue, Esther Pegueroles, Hugo Martínez or Marija Calig. also the territory and identity through architecture with the works of Tuca Vieira, Leticia Lambert, and Eduardo Valderrey. The installation comes from Maya Jankovic. Creative photography through the proposal of Robert Lengua, Gilberto Membrado, Wenceslao Rambla or the proposal of the Eva Pilar collective. <br /> The project curated by Mónica Carabias in which Kirti Cea, Julia Carbonell, Cristiana Gasparotto and Darío Gil participate Cabanas combines each and every one of the faces offered by the image as a means for research, analysis and knowledge, serving as a melting pot to signify this edition of the festival.
The amateur photographer is also present thanks to the collective exhibitions presented by the different photographic groups that are in the province of Castellón and with which it is always a pleasure to count. <br /> As always, thank all the people, groups, entities, companies and institutions that make this event possible for their collaboration and enthusiasm to recognize the role that photography plays as a vehicle for communication, creation and knowledge.




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