The exhibition "States of Rebirth" at Deichtorhallen Hamburg examines the correlation between the body, movement and societal structures in physical and digital spaces, through a focus on documentary and conceptual projects in Performance-, Portrait and Dance-Photography. Through a choreography of photographs that explore the relationship between moving bodies, the exhibition examines how our attitudes, gestures and affections at once reflect, configure and transform how we negotiate societal change.The exhibition brings current practices into urgent dialogue. Presented are works by KhingWei Bei, Felipe Romero Beltrán, Moshtari Hilal, Naomi Lulendo, Ana Maria Sales Prado, Roxana Rios, Aykan Safoğlu, Isaac Chong Wai und Farren van Wyk who stage so-called "glocal bodies". Iranian dance scholar Elaheh Hatami coined the term to describe bodies that hold ties to more than one place.
"States of Rebirth" traces how our understanding of the gaze – from one body to another, the seer to the seen – has reversed, and how these aesthetic principles might help dismantle our sense of belonging. As Moshtari Hilal formulates it in her at-once poetic, autobiographic and analytically precise essay Hässlichkeit (Ugliness, 2023): "The gaze has turned: it is not those who are looked at who are ugly, but those who look with the intention to dehumanize."Bodies are storytellers, whether in everyday life or in choreographed movements. Experiences of migration, marginalisation and social exclusion shape our body language, our perception of the self and the other. Our poses and postures can be seen as the reflection on our embedding in social (power) structures.At the same time, they can be a medium of self-empowerment, resistance and transformation. The installative and performative photographic works presented in this exhibition demonstrate related processes of negotiation and impressively show how to reorganize our learned hierarchies and systems of order.
As part of the "Viral Hallucinations" series, the exhibition poses questions about dominant visual regimes shaping our body perception. Which body images are privileged by the algorithm, and which artistic practices can reorder, subvert and transform its gaze?A booklet is being published to coincide with the exhibition, free of charge. It defines 35 key terms from the dynamic field between body images and digital image cultures. Authors: Nadine Isabelle Henrich, Frances Fürst, Katrin Bauer and Sarah Gramotke. With essays by artists Sheung Yiu and Roxana Rios and a discursive expansion by author and artist Moshtari Hilal and media scientist Annekathrin Kohourt.