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© Yorgos-Yatromanolakis | The-splitting of the chrysalis the slow unfolding of the wings, 2018

After the excitement and the beautiful madness of the 25th anniversary in 2019 which brought together more than a hundred international artists in Niort, we return to the source of the Meetings of young international photography.

Around our guest of honor, JH Engström, we will receive during the creation residency 8 international emerging artists who were chosen from nearly 200 candidates, 60% from abroad, 60% women and whose average age was 33 years. We will also welcome a 5th year student from the European School of Image (Éesi de Poitiers-Angoulême).

The jury chaired by JH Engström consisted of: Marie-Frédérique Hallin - director of the art and photography center of Lectoure, Arnaud Stinès - director of the School of Arts & Media of Caen / Cherbourg, Mickaël Houlette - director from the House of Photography R. Doisneau, Olivier Nappey - president of Villa Pérochon, Émilie Gautier - member of the board of directors of Villa Pérochon and Patrick Delat - director.

Around the residence, in addition to the exhibitions devoted to artists in creation, we will host the exhibitions of six other artists in eight places located in the heart of Niort.
Always attentive to the plurality and richness of creation offered by the photographic medium, we will wander among the most diverse approaches, from reporting to the excavation of books, from Mexico to Central Europe via Las Vegas, polaroid triturated with inkjet printing and installation, video and master key…

The exhibition route may take place from the end of March to mid-May. And the meeting with the artists and the discovery of the works produced during the residency: April 24-25-26, dates on which the public will be able to see at the same place: on Friday, the exhibition devoted to the works of the artists selected by the jury and the next day (after a crazy night of stalling and hanging), the works produced in Niort. But also screenings and convivial evenings.

En résidence

JH ENGSTRÖM (invité d’honneur et accompagnement artistique)

En création

Martina CIRESE (Italienne)
Neus SOLÀ (Espagnole)
Yorgos YATROMANOLAKIS (Grec) & Manon THOMAS (étudiante à l’Éesi)

Autour de la résidence

Céline CROZE (Franco-marocaine) David LELEU
Patricia MOROSAN (Roumaine) Alice LÉVÊQUE
Frédéric STUCIN
Angela SVORONOU (Grecque)

Huit lieux

La Villa Pérochon
L’espace d’arts visuels Le Pilori
Le pavillon Stéphane Grappelli
La Galerie Clélia Alric
Chez Slo’
La librairie des Halles
La galerie nomade (espace public) Hôtel de ville

April 7, 2020
May 16, 2020
Photo Festivals
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