Month of Photography Denver

Michael Warren Contemporary and more
March 1, 2023
March 31, 2023
© Andrew Beckham

Every other year in March, Month of Photography Denver invites you to explore the art of photography through dozens of exhibitions, talks, tours, and events at participating spaces throughout the city and beyond. Founded in 2004 by Denver-based artist Mark Sink, the festival has become an important platform for photography in the Rocky Mountain region, with works by hundreds of local, national, and international artists on display. The next festival will take place March 1-31, 2023.

The festival is presented by the Colorado Photographic Arts Center (CPAC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the understanding and appreciation of excellent photography through year-round exhibitions, education, and community outreach. CPAC is the headquarters of the festival and is located at 1070 Bannock Street in Denver’s Golden Triangle Creative District.

Participating spaces include museums, galleries, universities, community art centers, nonprofit organizations, public spaces, businesses and other venues. Most events will take place in the Denver Metro area, with a smaller number of events outside the city in Boulder, Longmont, Fort Collins, and other areas.

For working photographers and artists, the Month of Photography Portfolio Reviews are a highlight of the festival. During this two-day event, up to 72 photographers will have an opportunity to present their work to 30 of the most important people in the national photography community, including museum curators, gallery owners, editors, publishers, nonprofit directors, and other leading professionals.

Month of Photography Denver is committed to an open, inclusive, accessible, and supportive environment for all of its patrons, staff, and volunteers. Visitors in need of accommodations are invited to contact us at in advance of your visit so we can arrange accommodations to support your experience.

Month of Photography Denver is a member of the international network of photography festivals, the Festival of Light.

For more information, please read our festival FAQ.

A Cloud of Unknowing Apparitions and Manifestations

New work by Andrew BeckhamFebruary 1 – March 11
Michael Warren Contemporary
Opening Reception: Thursday, February 2nd (5 – 8 pm)Artist Talk and Reception: Thursday March 2nd (5 – 7 pm)First Friday Art Walks: February 3 and March 3

Join us for this exhibit of new works by Andrew Beckham. In his current work he examines his connection to place. His photography and his drawing practice portray his personal relationship to the mountains that he climbs over and over again. As you look at the loving devotion to the drawings over ghost prints you soon get the sense of commitment. Using charcoal in various forms he painstakingly covers the surface of the paper so that no part of the work isn’t touched by his hand. The repetitive marks allude to the walking and climbing of the mountain over and over again – knowing the surface in the way he knows his artwork. His photographs in this exhibit are covered with micaceous glitter, the very rocks that he climbs, ground in his studio to a powder so that the mountains of his images are forever connected with the artist’s experience of those very depictions

Michael Warren Contemporary and more
March 1, 2023
March 31, 2023
Photo Festivals
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