Grenze Arsenali Fotografici 4th Edition

September 1, 2021
September 30, 2021

Grenze - a non-profit festival now in its fourth edition - moves its headquarters to the Bastione delle Maddalene in the district of Veronetta thanks to the collaboration with the UNESCO’s Department of Relationship of the City of Verona.

The Theme of the 2021 edition is still a word in German: Peripherie. Periphery means circumference from the verb perifero to carry around, turn around and thus implies the existence of a centre. Periphery is what being outside a centre, is on the edge, far, contrasting, different. Peripherie is therefore a possibility of a look towards the centre. Periphery as a need to look at the centre with different eyes. Periphery asa laboratory that imposes on centrifugal forces a centripetal direction to recover left-overs, margins, what is at the edges of the system.

The fourth edition is also characterized by its educational value. Two workshops are held at the Palladio Design Institute. The first curated by Ernesto Bazan is dedicated to photo editing, the second, conducted by photographer Magnum Nikos Economopoulos concerns Street Photography.

The goal to be pursued over the years is to bring international photography back toVerona, training young people to the language of the masters of photography through workshops, meetings and workshops, allowing new talents to be seen and known, create synergies and relationships with other cities sensitive to newlanguages, educate in Verona an audience sensitive to photography, its forms and genres and creating effective planning between school and territory.

The Festival will be widespread and extensive in the urban context of Verona and will affect in particular the Bastione delle Maddalene, Galleria Isolo17, Teatro Scientifico, Teatro Nuovo, Spazio Arte Pisanello, Istituto Design Palladio and Spazio Diplom Art, Palazzo Orti Manara and Lazzaretto.

September 1, 2021
September 30, 2021
Photo Festivals
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