Photography & Poetry
The cultural association dotART, together with the association AsSostegno and with historical resting home ITIS, is launching a new and free call for entries through the platform Exhibit Around for the photographic/literary project Generations / Generazioni.
The project Generations / Generazioni will focus on the elderly and will combine photography and poetry, with the aim to realize a photographic book and a collective exhibition during the seventh edition of Trieste Photo Days festival.
We are looking for:
Generations / Generazioni will talk about the Old Age in an innovative way, through the combination of photography and poetry. We would like to portray the elderly as the historical memory of society, as a heritage to appreciate, as means of culture, wisdom, traditions and values.
The best photos and poems, which will be respectively selected by dotART and AsSostegno, will become part of the multidisciplinary project, which will feature:
Each participant can submit only photos, only poems, or both photos and poems.
The call is open until May 17th, 2020 and it's completely free.