Finding the Light

PhotoPlace Gallery
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Image: Sally Harris

Deadline:  Monday, November 9, 2020

Exhibition prints due: December 17, 2020
Gallery exhibition: Dec 31, 2020 - Jan 21, 2021

Juror: Laura Moya

The quality of the light on a subject has a profound effect on the power of a photograph. Its color, direction, and diffusion often define the success or failure of an image. As filmmaker Aaron Rose put it, “In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary”.

For this exhibit, we’re looking for images whose success depends on the  quality of the light. Whether light or dark, bright or dull, natural or artificial, the subject of these images is the magic, the possibilities, and the nuances of the light itself. All capture and processing methods are welcome.

We are very pleased that Laura Moya jury the exhibit. She will select approximately 40 images for exhibition in the Middlebury gallery, and 40 for our Online gallery. All selected images will be published in the exhibit catalog.

PhotoPlace Gallery
October 11, 2020
November 9, 2020
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