Ferhat Bouda | Photographs And Diaries

Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
March 18, 2022
May 15, 2022
Untitled, from the series Amazigh in der Kabylei, Algerien, 2018. © Ferhat Bouda, AgenceVU, 2022

Former nomadic communities are one of the topics of Ferhat Bouda’s work. In impressive visual narratives, the Frankfurt-based photographer documents the life and survival of the cultures in transition. For ten years, he has photographed the everyday life of the Imazighen (free people), as they call themselves, across North Africa. Additionally, the rugged landscapes of Mongolia are the backdrop for his mysterious black-and-white images of today’s predominantly sedentary nomads.

Diverse social communities spark Bouda’s interests in the Main metropolis Frankfurt as he often photographs punks, protesters, the train-station milieu or religious festivals. Like all of the artist’s visuals, these too question cultural resilience and the deeply human in a constantly changing world.

FERHAT BOUDA. PHOTOGRAPHS AND DIARIES was curated by Celina Lunsford and Esra Klein.

Ferhat Bouda, born 1976 to a Berber family in Algeria, studied photography in France and Germany and is member of the photo agency Agence VU. His photo essays are regularly published in international newspapers and magazines, including Le Monde, Geo, The New York Times and Spiegel. His work has been exhibited in numerous photographic festivals. 2017 he received a grant from the Hessische Kulturstiftung. In 2020 he was honoured with the Ellen Auerbach Fellowship for Photography from the JUNGE AKADEMIE/Akademie der Künste, Berlin. The FFF exhibition FERHAT BOUDA. PHOTOGRAPHS AND DIARIES has been supported by these fellowships.

Duration: March 18 – May 15, 2022

Opening: Thursday, March 17, 2022, 7 pm

Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main
March 18, 2022
May 15, 2022
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