Facing Fire - Art, Wildfire, and the End of Nature in the New West

UCR ARTS California Museum of Photography
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Stuart Palley, El Portal Fire, Yosemite National Park, 2014. Courtesy of the artist.

Save the Date! Opening Reception
Saturday, February 29, 2020 6–9 p.m.

Fire as omen and elemental force, as metaphor and searing personal experience—these are the subjects explored by the artists of Facing Fire. California’s diverse ecologies are fire-prone, fire-adapted, even fire-dependent. In the past two decades, however, West Coast wildfires have exploded in scale and severity. There is a powerful consensus that we have entered a new era. The artists of Facing Fire bring us incendiary work from active fire lines and psychic burn zones. They face fire, sift its aftermath, and struggle with the implications.

Noah Berger • Kevin Cooley • Josh Edelson • Samantha Fields • Jeff Frost Luther Gerlach • Christian Houge • Richard Hutter • Christoph Kapeller • Benoit Malphettes • Anna Mayer • Cody Norris • Stuart Palley • Norma I. Quintana Justin Sullivan • Joan Wulf • Curated by Douglas McCulloh

UCR ARTS California Museum of Photography
February 22, 2020
August 9, 2020
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