No superhero is a series of work by the acclaimed Scandinavian artist, Ole Marius Joergensen. The work features meticulously staged, cinematic photographs that depict seemingly ordinary situations which are then infused with a juxtaposed narrative. This unlocks an unexpected and unique world that feels both old and new.
Full of mystique and intrigue and set in the artist’s native, rural Scandinavia, this series of images follows the protagonist on a silent, solitary journey that emphasises complex emotions. From the playful, to the dark, to the eccentric, each scene is depicted through a lens that captures childhood nostalgia with the hero as an ordinary man.
Ole Marius Joergensen (born 1976) is an artist with a background in film based in Asker, Norway. He is best known for his meticulously staged cinematic photographs. With the use of theatrical light and vivid color juxtapositions, Ole Marius’ work emphasizes the mystery and duality of rural life in the modern world.