Borealis – Trees and people of the northern forest

Jeroen Toirkens & Jelle Brandt Corstius
Borealis – Trees and people of the northern forest

The trees, the forests and the inhabitants in an intriguing written and visual document.

Photographer Jeroen Toirkens and writer Jelle Brandt Corstius tell the story of the boreal forests, a circle of mainly coniferous trees that stretches across Europe, Asia and North America, and the people who live there. In these times when climate change is clearly visible and palpable, there is a great need to share their stories.

You never know what you'll come across. There are snakes and bears. Every now and then you stand with a bear on the same raspberry bush. But we leave each other alone. You have to respect the forest and the animals. The forest feeds you, gives you oxygen. What else do you need?
Tonya Tugushin, Russia

Borealis – Trees and people of the northern forest
Jeroen Toirkens & Jelle Brandt Corstius
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