
Interventions are a series of photomontages from Michael Jantzen that are created with images of some of his built and unbuilt structures and sculptures.

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Michael Jantzen

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Interventions are a series of photomontages from Michael Jantzen that are created with images of some of his built and unbuilt structures and sculptures. These images are superimposed into various real-world landscapes in order to inspire surreal stories in the minds of the viewers, about what these things are, and how they got there.

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

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Often images of people and animals are added to the photo collages (juxtaposed to the structures) in order to amplify the surreal nature of the stories.

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Jantzen hopes that the incorporation of images of his original structures into the real world landscapes will help to create unique photomontages.

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Michael Jantzen’s work has been exhibited at the National Building Museum, the Canadian Center for Architecture, the Harvard School of Design and Architecture, the Santa Fe Institute, and at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Most of his work merges art, architecture, technology, and sustainable design into one unique experience. Extreme innovation is his goal in everything he creates. Most of this innovation has been focused on the re-invention of the built environment and photography.


Interventions are a series of photomontages from Michael Jantzen that are created with images of some of his built and unbuilt structures and sculptures.

Words by  

Michael Jantzen

Interventions are a series of photomontages from Michael Jantzen that are created with images of some of his built and unbuilt structures and sculptures.
© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Interventions are a series of photomontages from Michael Jantzen that are created with images of some of his built and unbuilt structures and sculptures. These images are superimposed into various real-world landscapes in order to inspire surreal stories in the minds of the viewers, about what these things are, and how they got there.

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Often images of people and animals are added to the photo collages (juxtaposed to the structures) in order to amplify the surreal nature of the stories.

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Jantzen hopes that the incorporation of images of his original structures into the real world landscapes will help to create unique photomontages.

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Michael Jantzen’s work has been exhibited at the National Building Museum, the Canadian Center for Architecture, the Harvard School of Design and Architecture, the Santa Fe Institute, and at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Most of his work merges art, architecture, technology, and sustainable design into one unique experience. Extreme innovation is his goal in everything he creates. Most of this innovation has been focused on the re-invention of the built environment and photography.


Interventions are a series of photomontages from Michael Jantzen that are created with images of some of his built and unbuilt structures and sculptures.

Words by

Michael Jantzen

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Interventions are a series of photomontages from Michael Jantzen that are created with images of some of his built and unbuilt structures and sculptures. These images are superimposed into various real-world landscapes in order to inspire surreal stories in the minds of the viewers, about what these things are, and how they got there.

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Often images of people and animals are added to the photo collages (juxtaposed to the structures) in order to amplify the surreal nature of the stories.

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Jantzen hopes that the incorporation of images of his original structures into the real world landscapes will help to create unique photomontages.

© Michael Jantzen | Interventions

Michael Jantzen’s work has been exhibited at the National Building Museum, the Canadian Center for Architecture, the Harvard School of Design and Architecture, the Santa Fe Institute, and at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Most of his work merges art, architecture, technology, and sustainable design into one unique experience. Extreme innovation is his goal in everything he creates. Most of this innovation has been focused on the re-invention of the built environment and photography.