Among my late parents’ analogue snapshot collection is a photograph with happy days written in pen across the front. Ironically, Mum and Dad’s snaps of a bygone era are now physical reminders of what has been lost; the halcyon days are long gone. A gap exists between the past and present, but a photograph is more than just a visual prompt; it is a trace that offers a direct link to the past. Combining my archival snapshots with contemporary imagery of places, trees, and flowers, I collapse time and weave new narratives.
Among my late parents’ analogue snapshot collection is a photograph with happy days written in pen across the front. Ironically, Mum and Dad’s snaps of a bygone era are now physical reminders of what has been lost; the halcyon days are long gone. A gap exists between the past and present, but a photograph is more than just a visual prompt; it is a trace that offers a direct link to the past. Combining my archival snapshots with contemporary imagery of places, trees, and flowers, I collapse time and weave new narratives.
Among my late parents’ analogue snapshot collection is a photograph with happy days written in pen across the front. Ironically, Mum and Dad’s snaps of a bygone era are now physical reminders of what has been lost; the halcyon days are long gone. A gap exists between the past and present, but a photograph is more than just a visual prompt; it is a trace that offers a direct link to the past. Combining my archival snapshots with contemporary imagery of places, trees, and flowers, I collapse time and weave new narratives.